
10 Reasons For Your Family to Celebrate March

By Kara Murphy, publisher of Macaroni Kid Erie, Pa. February 28, 2019

March is one of those in-between months. For many of us, it's a transition month from winter to spring. That makes it one of my favorites -- snowstorms give way to thunderstorms, daylight hours are getting longer, and there are those wonderful days you can smell spring in the air.  

But this change of seasons isn't the only reason to celebrate March. Here are 10 special family-friendly holidays and events you and your kids will want to celebrate this month:

Read Across America Day

Many schools celebrate Read Across America Day each year. You can celebrate at home too by visiting your local library or reading together as a family. Need some book suggestions? Check out this list from the National Education Association, which celebrates an array of experiences and cultures. March 2

Mardi Gras

Also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras is the celebration before the beginning of Lent, traditionally a time to eat rich and fatty foods before fasting. Now, of course, Mardi Gras goes hand-in-hand with New Orleans-style fun, but why not take part in a more laid-back family-friendly celebration -- complete with beads, masks, and a parade through your own neighborhood! March 5

International Women's Day

This year's theme is Balance For Better, the idea being the better the balance, the better the world. The theme is meant to put a spotlight on the need for gender-balanced boardrooms, governments, media coverage, employees, wealth, sports coverage, and more. How can you make a difference? March 8

Daylight Saving Time

It's time to spring forward! That means you set your clocks ahead an hour, which means the sun sets at a later hour, which means ... summer is on its way! March 10

St. Patrick's Day

It's time to make an elaborate leprechaun trap! Maybe this will be the year your kids catch hold of that little troublemaker. March 17

First Day of Spring

Oh, happy day. March 20

National Single Parent's Day

Support a single parent today! How? Let them know you see how many self-sacrifices they make for their kids. Bring them a meal. Offer childcare. Listen, so they know they're not alone. March 21

Take a Walk in the Park Day

... and make sure to take the time to stop and smell the roses. March 30

Kara Murphy is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Erie, Pa.

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