How many times has your child come home crying because of mean kids at school? How many mean comments have you overheard on the playground or park?
How responsible are we, as parents, for these comments and actions of others? Do we lead by example?
Personally, I'd like to think that I am nice enough to others that my kids will pick up on that interpersonal communication, but sometimes there are just obvious situations we have to take a step away from and know that it's not us at fault.
This past weekend I was in a local grocery store (I won't lie, I wasn't dressed to a tee but wasn't completely hideous looking) and a group of grown women (like, over 40) actually pointed, laughed and made comments about my acne. Yes, I'm an adult and yes, I have a little acne. Who cares? Well, besides myself when I look in the mirror every morning... no one. At least I thought so. Seems that no one cares except for this group of grown women.
This is the actual verbiage they used among themselves (while returning looks and laughing in my direction), "Oh, poor girl." .... "Her face looks like a pizza." .... "I feel bad for her." (but... laughing.)
Guys... this is not a plea for attention or "oh, you're so pretty", etc... this is a plea for kindness. I don't care how old you are, that stuff hurts and shouldn't be something we have to be faced with. We are adults. We are responsible for raising children in this world and we all claim that our hope for them is to be kind-hearted, loving people. I truly hope this mom, and the other women with her, realize what kind of hate they are spreading. Comments like this about others is exactly what is wrong with the world today. Comments like these, so openly shared, is what makes kids think it's okay to be bullies and make fun of others. Comments like these are what will break a person down after hearing them time and time again.
This is not okay.
So, no, this isn't a plea for compliments, it's a plea for love. Love of others and love for yourself. When you talk like this, you are just as ugly as your words... and no matter how much acne I have... I'll still be prettier than you because of this.
Guys, THIS MESSAGE should be shared with your kids. I don't mean read them the article or anything, but do tell them what it means and how bad it hurts... no matter how old you are. Then ask them how they show kindness to others, or how they've seen kindness shown.